Jubilee Academies parents offered new avenue of learning

Jubilee Academies is excited to provide a new avenue of learning for our parents in the San Antonio area. PARENT CONNECT will help parents keep informed of important information, trends and opportunities that can enhance the balance of family, life and work.

All sessions are free and will be held at the Jubilee Academies District Office and Jubilee-Lake View University Prep. The training is provided through the Education Service Center ~ Region 20. Parents interested in attending a session are asked to sign up by visiting or calling the main office at their child’s campus. Refreshments will be served. 

Sept 20, 2018 . 9am-12pm
Drugs, Dares & Other Dangerous Teen Trends 
Are you really in the know about drugs, dares, and dangerous technology trends? This training is designed to increase drug, alcohol, and technology awareness for all members of the school community. Parents attending this training will learn the latest trends as well as dangerous apps and technology affecting the school community. 

Sept 26, 2018 . 9am-12pm
Social Emotional Development in Preschool: Talking with Your Child
Young children’s social emotional development is vital to their overall well-being, affecting their success in school and their ability to learn in all subject areas. Join us as we explore strategies to encourage communication with children; a dynamic aspect of building relationships. Participants will experience conversation strategies that either promote or inhibit communication, learn how to use open-ended questions and observations with children, and how to converse with children to support social and emotional development. This will be an active learning, participatory training– come ready to have some fun!

Oct. 10, 2018 . 9am-12pm
Parental Participation in Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Meetings
Parents and guardians are essential members of the Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee. In this training, you will learn information needed to effectively participate in your child’s ARD committee meeting. We will build a common understanding of the special education process, the roles and responsibilities within the committee to ensure you are able to fully participate in the decision-making process regarding your child’s education.

Oct. 11, 2018 . 9am-12pm
Mindful Parenting
Have you ever said to a kid, “Why don’t you just calm down?!” Of course you have; we all have! Being able to “just calm down” is actually a skill called self-regulation that requires a part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex. However, that part of a child’s brain doesn’t completely develop until he or she is in their early twenties. In addition, it doesn’t just develop in positive ways on its own; instead, optimal development is completely dependent on a child being raised in a warm, loving language-rich home environment. This interactive training will explore mindfulness activities for kids, and the type of language parents and teachers can use to foster children who will succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

Oct. 16, 2018 . 9am-12pm
Parenting in the Digital Age
Our children's access to technology can both empower and endanger them. Come to this training to learn what to look out for as parents in your child's digital interactions. What is reasonable in usage? How do you find out about apps, games and websites? Should children and teens have social media accounts? How should you handle cyberbullying? You will leave this training with practical advice and tools to assist you in your role as a 21st Century parent!

Oct. 17, 2018 . 9am-12pm
Inspirational and Empowering Positive Behavior Supports for the Home
This training will provide positive and effective ways to support behavior in the home that are both empowering and inspiring.

Oct. 25, 2018 . 9am-12pm
Bullying Tips for Parents
Never before in history have parents had to face so many challenges when raising their children. Bullying is a serious issue and becoming more prevalent in schools today. Learn the characteristics of someone being bullied and how to recognize signs of students who bully. This training will provide participants with early intervention techniques to help prevent bullying, which one day may save your child. 
